
有一个年轻人,站在长安的街头,看见执金吾的车骑盛大壮观,威风凛凛的驶过街市。年轻人暗暗对自己说:仕宦当作执金吾,娶妻当得阴丽华。 人群里有另个年轻人,惊诧于车骑的豪华,暗暗对自己说:就是剥削阶级,有一天要消灭它……

Wednesday, December 22, 2004



临近圣诞了,有露天的X'mas Market,乐团的Living Show,还有慈善性质的街头热狗兜售。

读原文的Shakespear,已经是几年前的事情了,那时候默默背诵了Julius Caesar中Brutus和Anthony的对白,一直是我最爱的一段。我喜欢莎士比亚(即便这话听起来如此恶俗与轻佻……),他如此聪明而犀利,如此世故而清高,他靠写作而谋生,却不为迎合大众,他可以将英语这样一个世界上最糟糕的语言发挥至极,如此美丽如此押韵。他写爱情,不仅仅是十七世纪的爱情,他写战争,不仅仅是玫瑰战争,他写人性,不仅仅是英国人,欧洲人,或生活在彼时的人。

“Not because I cared for Caesar less, but because I cared for Rome more. Would you rather Caesar were living, and you all die slaves, than that Caesar were dead, and you all ive as freemen? Because Caesar was my dear friend, I weep for him; because he was fortunate, I rejoice at his good fortune; because he was valiant, I honor him; but--because he was ambitious, I killed him. There are tears for his friendship; joy for his fortune; honor for his valor; and death for his ambition. Which of you is so low that you would prefer to be a slave? If any of you is, speak, for I have offended that person. Which of you is so uncivilized that you would prefer not to be a Roman? If any of you is, speak, for I have offended that person. I pause for a reply.……”

更多选段请点击此网站Shakespear's Julia Caesar,或直接请教Google叔叔:)


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